History Extension Plan

Year 11 formulates the basis of a students' interest to further pursue the knowledge of History (Modern or Ancient) so a plan to promote History Extension should be gradually integrated into the classroom from the start of the school year so that students may take advantage of the opportunity.

As stated in the problem; "You also want to take the History Extension class next year so you want to encourage and support the high achieving students to do well." only a third of the class are "very motivated" and have "developed excellent source analysis, research, ICT and inquiry skills." Therefore a suitable method to sort the serious contenders for History Extension can be found using the proposed plan:

STEP ONE - always provide the option to do extended reading on the lesson topics covered. For example the lesson plan provided has given the option to use an additional two resources that require a greater depth of analysis to help build the students argument in their essay. Having this option gives a no pressure approach whilst allowing the teacher to monitor the students capability of using such resources.

STEP TWO - challenge the students with a non-formal research task in the form of a question, quote, or even an argument. This may be done fortnightly (possibly weekly) as to not burden the students, but routinely enough to allow the students to begin questioning and form their own arguments.

STEP THREE - include into all assignments the requirement to annotate references that have been used. Although this may not be made assessable, it will certainly build the students ability to sort through the more relevant sources and to make a judgement on their usefulness towards the students argument. This will enhance the development of critical and reflective thinking skills in your students.

STEP FOUR - Most importantly, set a minor- assessment task, either at the beginning of term, or during the holidays, that allows students independent and free reign to research a topic of their choice. It is essential that the student derives his/her own question, with teacher approval, so that evidence of creativity, intellectual and problem-solving abilities can be assessed. Inform the students that this task can be considered a taste of what History Extension has to offer, a certain way to encapsulate interest.

However it is important that the teacher demonstrates enthusiasm when promoting History Extension, so that it is not just an onslaught of extra-tasks to burden the student even more. With these four steps implemented in day-to-day teaching, a greater awareness of History extension can be established and interests of the higher achieving students can be captivated even further.